Dragon tattoos are extremely
popular, regardless of age or gender. Dragons have been a part of
mythology in several cultures, and they have had various meanings and
Dragon Art Tattoos
Because of the differences between cultures and beliefs, dragon tattoos can have many different meanings. The dragon can be fierce, elegant, beautiful, or even cute, based on the cultural depiction that you choose. With a small amount of creativity, your dragon tattoo design can be an original and unique work of art, as well.
Dragon mythologies are often as different as the cultures that
possess them. For example, European dragon lore is full of knights
hunting and slaying the fire breathing beasts that stole gold, kidnapped
young girls, and destroyed livestock and homes. In contrast, Asian
cultures depict a much different image, with wise old dragons who were
able to make prophecies that helped

In many cases, as with Celtic dragon tattoos, dragon tattoo designs show a large reptilian creature with the features of a lizard. More detailed tattoos will even show individual
scales on the dragon’s skin. Some even possess a forked tongue, a
common reptilian feature. Many dragons are shown flying, or with their
bat-like wings stretched out, and breathing fire. These common elements
are all part of the European depiction of a dragon, which is how our culture generally envisions them.
Dragon tattoos can mean something different to each person. Usually, this meaning can be shown in the way that a dragon is depicted. If the dragon
is meant to express strength, the image will usually show a very large,
fierce dragon with massive wings. These dragons are usually breathing
fire, either to the side, or directly at the person viewing the tattoo.
If the dragon is supposed to show wisdom and intelligence, the dragon is often shown smiling or thoughtful. The most common depiction of this would be Chinese dragon tattoos. With images such as these, the dragon is often designed to appear old and weathered to express wisdom. Some are even shown with long, gray beards or moustaches.
Dragon tattoos can represent a variety of emotions and ideals, such as good, evil, wisdom, adventure, mischief, strength, and bravery. The key is to choose an image that represents you the best. Dragon tattoo designs
can be any color. Men often choose red or green, while women often
choose purple, blue, or pink. However, the color choice is up to you,
and that will make your dragon tattoo as unique as you are.